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imgdd: Image DeDuplication

imgdd is a performance-first perceptual hashing library that combines Rust's speed with Python's accessibility, making it perfect for handling large datasets. Designed to quickly process nested folder structures, commonly found in image datasets.


  • Multiple Hashing Algorithms: Supports aHash, dHash, mHash, pHash, wHash.
  • Multiple Filter Types: Supports Nearest, Triangle, CatmullRom, Gaussian, Lanczos3.
  • Identify Duplicates: Quickly identify duplicate hash pairs.
  • Simplicity: Simple interface, robust performance.

Why imgdd?

imgdd has been inspired by imagehash and aims to be a lightning-fast replacement with additional features. To ensure enhanced performance, imgdd has been benchmarked against imagehash. In Python, imgdd consistently outperforms imagehash by ~60%–95%, demonstrating a significant reduction in hashing time per image.